Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a garden....and it's MINE!!!

Last year I started a potted herb garden and was given a "patio tomato" to grow in my tiny backyard. Every last one died. Why?
Firstly, I would like to blame it on the monstrous spider that built her home in my door way, basically blocking me from entering my own backyard. How RUDE!!!

Yup, that's her.
Let's be real...I could easily blame all the world's problems on spiders. Ya...ya...I know they are "important"...ugh...doesn't mean I have to like them

Secondly, I had much more important things to do: nap, tell Olive how much I love her (for the millionth time), eat cookies, nap, eat cookies, nap, eat cookies WHILE napping. As you can see, I was very busy last year.
In reality I was probably too lazy to fill a watering can, go around the side gate (you couldn't pay me enough to open the back door and disturb my 8 legged enemy...she would have eaten me), water the plants, and maybe even sing them a little lullaby.
Well a year has passed, and I'm a homeowner now. Which of course implies that I am so much more mature and responsible. I don't nap as much and I may or may not eat as many cookies. With my new found maturity I have decided to take on the responsibility of a REAL, LIVE, organic veggie garden! It's been about a month and I'm proud to say that my plants are all alive and happy!

Who knows? If I turn out to be good at this gardening thing, maybe I'll get a baby. It can't be that different...right?

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